Media Literacy

Course Description

This course will help you understand the different roles of old and new media, their use and impact in the public sphere, and to use the media as an informed citizen interacting with other media users on issues of public concern. This course focuses on media in a democracy, and emphasizes the importance of a free press in a free society. It is designed to promote responsible use of both old and new media toward helping develop a critical audience for news available on different media platforms.

The course will be facilitated by CMFR Executive Director Melinda Quintos de Jesus and Trustee Luis V. Teodoro. Together with the CMFR team, they will provide key points which will help you better understand your right to quality information and free expression and your responsibility to hold the media accountable for abuse and misuse of their power.

Course Components

What is Media Literacy Know Your Freedom
Journalism 101 Case Studies

Resource Materials

Glossary Multimedia

MELINDA QUINTOS DE JESUS has worked as a journalist, columnist, and editor for several newspapers and magazines. She received the Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. Fellowship for Professional Development in 2000 in recognition of her efforts to strengthen Philippine democracy by promoting higher standards of media responsibility and professionalism.

LUIS V. TEODORO is a journalism professor and the former dean of the College of Mass Communication at the University of the Philippines. He has worked as a journalist, columnist, and editor for various newspapers and magazines. He is also a Palanca award-winning author.

Produced by the Center for Media Freedom & Responsibility
Supported by a grant from the Open Society Foundations.

This module is free and open for anyone to access. Materials from this module can be used as long as proper credit is given.


What is Media Literacy?

Know Your Freedom

Journalism 101

Case Studies