Nieman- Berkman Fellowship in journalism innovation
The Nieman-Berkman Fellowship in journalism innovation is accepting applications.
The fellowship aims to address “the growing need for fresh ideas and research in news reporting.” It is a collaboration between the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society.
All journalists and those working for a news organization in a business, technology, or leadership capacity worldwide may apply.
Interested applicants must complete the online application. An essay of less than 1,000 words describing journalistic experience, career plans and goals; a 500-word summary of the how you plan to spend a year at Harvard; a professional profile; a study plan; work samples; and four letters of recommendations must also be submitted as an attachment to the online application.
Candidates for the fellowship will be asked to submit a proposal on a project dealing with any issue relating to “journalism’s digital transformation.” Subjects may include “ideas for new revenue streams to fund journalism, the construction of new tools for reporting or research into news consumption patterns.”
Deadline for applications is on December 1.
The Nieman Foundation and the Berkman Center share a commitment to diversity and encourage applications from members of underrepresented groups.
More information about the fellowship is available at the Nieman website.
Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar photojournalism contest
The Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar is holding a photography contest.
The contest is open to all photographers and photo journalists around the world.
Interested photojournalists may enter an individual photo or group of photos in any of the following categories: sport news, general news, feature, sports action, sports feature, portrait/personality, pictorial, Olympics (2014 Winter Olympics), news picture story, Chris Hondros memorial international news, feature picture story/essay, sports picture story, product illustration, issue illustration, multimedia slideshow and multimedia interactive presentation.
The submitted photographs except for picture stories must have been taken between 1 November 2013 and 15 October 2015. The photos do not necessarily need to have been published.The contest does not allow any sort of photo manipulation except for the photo illustration category.
Deadline for submission of entries is November 31.
Other information and rules of the competition can be accessed at the Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar website.