
2013 Civic Journalism Awards

The Philippine Press Institute (PPI) honored community newspapers for the 2013 Civic Journalism Awards on May 1.

Civic Journalism Awards is an annual competition that aims to recognize outstanding journalism among community newspapers across the country.

This year’s winners are as follow:

Weekly Newspaper

  • Best Edited Community Newspaper: BAGUIO CHRONICLE
  • Best Editorial Page: BAGUIO CHRONICLE
  • Best in Business and Economic Reporting: BUSINESSWEEK MINDANAO
  • Best in Environmental Reporting: BAGUIO MIDLAND COURIER
  • Best in Photojournalism: BAGUIO MIDLAND COURIER
  • Best in Culture, Arts and History Reporting: THE MINDANAO CROSS
  • Special Award: Coke Bayanihan Award on Best Reporting on Disasters: THE BOHOL CHRONICLE

Daily Newspaper

  • Best Edited Community Newspaper: EDGE DAVAO
  • Best Editorial Page: CEBU DAILY NEWS
  • Best in Business and Economic Reporting: VISAYAN DAILY STAR
  • Best in Environmental Reporting: SUN.STAR DAVAO (M)
  • Best in Photojournalism: CEBU DAILY NEWS
  • Best in Culture, Arts and History Reporting: SUN.STAR BAGUIO (L)
  • Special Award: Coke Bayanihan Award on Best Reporting on Disasters: CEBU DAILY NEWS

More information about the award is available at the PPI website.


Reporters Without Borders’ 100 Information Heroes

Reporter Sans Frontieres (RSF- Reporters Without Borders) released its 2014 list of”100 Information Heroes” last May 3, World Press Freedom Day.

RSF released, for the first time, a list and profiles of 100 people who contribute to uplift information by putting their ideals in the service of the common good and who promote the “freedom enshrined in article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the freedom to ‘to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.’”

RSF secretary-general Christophe Deloire said that “World Press Freedom Day, which Reporters Without Borders helped to create, should be an occasion for paying tribute to the courage of the journalists and bloggers who constantly sacrifice their safety and sometimes their lives to their vocation.”

Filipino journalist Rowena Paraan is among the 100 information heroes named.  Paraan is the chair of the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines. Her profile is available at the RSF website information heroes page.

More information about “100 Information Heroes” is available at the RSF website.