MICS conflict reporting seminar
The Media in Conflicts Seminar (MICS) is holding a conflict journalism conference. All journalists interested in conflict journalism may join the five-day seminar in Israel.
MICS is an annual communication program which aims to introduce journalists to conflict reporting, help journalists build a professional network and expose journalists to the world’s most covered conflict areas.
The seminar gives participants the opportunity to attend lectures by experts in the field of conflict journalism, defense and security, terrorism, international laws and more; join a strategic tour in Jerusalem and other conflict areas; and experience hands-on workshops.
Participants will receive support for their stay in Israel but will have to shoulder airfare costs.
The MICS program will be held from August 31 to September 4. The deadline for applications is May 15.
More information about the seminar is available in the MICS website.
SEJ awards for environmental reporting
The Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) is accepting nominations for its annual awards for environmental reporting.
The SEJ awards for environmental reporting honors journalists who show excellence in reporting issues about the environment. All journalists from any part of the world may apply for the awards.
SEJ is a North-American membership association of professional journalists which aims to “strengthen the quality, reach and viability of journalism across all media to advance public understanding of environmental issues.”
All print, broadcast and online journalists in any part of the world are eligible for the awards.
Interested participants must submit a PDF copy or links of the story, commentary or photo or an MP3 or MP4 file and transcript for audio or audio-video entries; and, a confirmation that the entry is published or broadcast from 1 March 2013 to 2 February 2014.
Regular entry fee is USD100. A reduced fee of USD80 is offered to journalists who apply for SEJ membership.
The deadline for the submission of nominations is on April 1.
More information about the awards can be accessed at the SEJ website.